Let’s face it, this industry can be complicated.
Let’s face it, this industry can be complicated. Our experience has been that it takes 6-12 months for a new professional coming into this industry to get their feet wet, even get a decent hold for the baseline structures that underlie the paradigm that exists within the wholesale energy industry. You could send your new team members to an expensive off site seminar. Often that costs thousands of dollars, when you consider the travel/ lodging/ meals, etc. And many times they come back with little more knowledge than what they left with. Why not allocate your training dollars instead to MICS? We offer on-site training seminars focused on the key mechanisms and facts that are at the core of this industry.

Market Price Formation
What goes into the formation market clearing prices? What operational systems/ measurements, and decisions are key determinants to determining the prices in RTO markets?
Regulatory Paradigm/RTO Orientation
What is the regulatory landscape? What types of market participants exist? How do RTO's work? What are the channels in which each type of market participant can contribute to market development/ maintenance/ enhancement in each RTO?
Short Term Load Forecasting
What is the critical role that short term load forecasting plays within each RTO? What are the different approaches to modeling and executing effective short term load forecasts? What are the most popular vendors for such software and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
Electric industry Regulation 101
For new professionals just entering this business, what are the basics of how things work? What is the regulatory history of this industry, what are the basics of retail choice, and why some folks think we are entering a phase of “re-regulation”.