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Your traders are your key assets.
They interact directly with markets, market operators, and brokers. a variety of consulting services, we enhance the success of your traders, which goes directly to your bottom line. We offer various ranges of trade floor support, both qualitative and quantitative. From RTO markets liaison services, to advocacy for efficient/fair/ and robust wholesale energy markets, to factory acceptance testing and independent third party validation of your software, MICS has you covered. We provide a rare combination of trade floor, RTO operations, and market development experiences to make your business model work better for you. Bottom Line , we are the answer to your need for direct/ focused/ concise interaction with the markets you operate in. We work within your current paradigm and offer services on a confidential or on confidential basis. At MICS, we pride ourselves in offering these services at a cost that far exceed the value they provide. In fact, we believe we offer far more value at a far more reasonable cost than any of our competitors.