We specialize in all aspects...
We specialize in all aspects of wholesale market interaction for primarily unaffiliated wholesale market participants. These services include :
FTR Portfolio Strategy - We assist in the evaluation and analysis of your entire FTR Business. This can be done from an individual trader's/books or from a company/umbrella perspective.
Transmission Analytics - Assess the future of RTO and transmission system projects as well as provide incite on which are the most likely to affect congestion, pricing, and volatility.
Hedge Funds and Banks - We provide operational based training focusing on how the electric grid operates, how Local Balancing Authorities and RTO operation staff generally interact to effectuate a balanced, low cost, and well dispatched system. In our experience, this can be very helpful for new employees regardless of their level of expertise with wholesale energy markets.
Third Party Validation of Your Market Software Interacting with RTO Markets - load forecasting; price forecasting.
Third Party Validation of Your Risk Policies and Procedures - We answer the questions: Are they in place? Do they meet guidelines? Where can efficiency improvements be made?
Special Projects Assistance - We provide educated, experienced, and insightful consultation on any special projects related to RTOs. We have and continue to provide these services to our clients on a range anywhere from a "third party review" to a "full project lead" based participation.

At MICS we pride ourselves in quick and effective value added to your projects, margins, and bottom line. If your needs exceed our abilities we can easily rely on our partners to work with us to meet your needs or provide you with a trusted recommendation and contract information of our partners.