CEO Profile
I was the first Locational Market Pricing analyst hired by MISO prior to the start of the MISO market. While at MISO, I was responsible for testing of the LMP software, working with the Vendor developing the LMP software, as well as validating the period by period accuracy and precision of Real Time LMP calculations. While at MISO, I also spent time working with the Real Time and Day Ahead Market clearing systems and operators.
I have served various roles within the control area operations function at a Midwest based Utility (Illinois Power). My responsibilities there included control area short term load forecasting, completing shifts on the generation dispatch desk, and wholesale transmission contracts and arrangements. During this time, for example, I worked on a project to pseudo tie a gen unit from one control area to another. I also interacted with and supported wholesale electricity trading functions. During my time at IP I also helped train retail commercial and industrial sales force in wholesale pricing and wholesale market issues.
I have experience working as a consultant for the California ISO. During this time, I was responsible for helping design support and factory acceptance testing of the market clearing software developed for the Market Redesign and Technology Upgrade (MRTU) that has since been implemented at the California ISO.
I have experience working as a liaison between wholesale markets and trade floor personnel, from short term to mid-term to long term traders as well as origination folks.